Monday, October 20, 2008

Mr. Company Manager- Revisited

So one day recently I got a text message for Mr. Company Manager late in the afternoon wanting to know if I was available to get together that night. Now I've never been a "rules kind of girl", but even to me I questioned if I should seem so eager and available to say yes on such short notice when he had disappointed me in the past.

(For those of you not familiar with "The Rules" it is a kind of dating how to. I believe one of the rules is to never accept a date for the weekend that is requested after Wednesday. Supposedly if you follow these rules you will meet Mr. Right and he will marry you.)

Still we had such a good time on our first date that I accepted the last minute invitation. We got together at his place and ate pizza and watched the whole first season of the office on dvd. Although I loved the office and the pizza was great the date overall was ho-hum. I think that the fact that it took 4 months for us to get together again spoiled the entire concept for me. If he asked me out again I would probably except, but a quarterly date does not a relationship make.


Brasilmagic said...

Abi, when a man is really interested he will call and try to see you often. Don't go out anymore with guys who call you one every 2 weeks to "check up on you" or because they do not have any other date or just want sex.

Are things with your ex-husband really over? Is the marriage not salvageable?

Abi said...

Grace, The only reason that I would go out with this gentleman again is to have a good time,and to define good time I mean fully clothed good time. Sex is something that I put a high value on and trust me on this one he didn't "get any." Thanks for you comment and your interest in my blog.